Bhargav Kulkarni

PhD Student, Computer Science
University of Utah

I am a PhD student advised by Prof. Pavel Panchekha and interested in PL and formal methods.


University of Utah

PhD in Computer Science, 2023-
Advisor: Pavel Panchekha
CGPA: 3.9/4.0
Courses: PL, architecture, algorithms, verification, distributed systems

Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani

B.Eng. in Computer Science, 2019-2023
CGPA: 8.9/10.0; Merit scholarship holder

Research Positions

NASA Langley Formal Methods

Research Intern, 2024
Working on generating PVS proof certificates for Herbie’s accuracy aware optimizations

The Herbie Project [source]

Researcher and Contributer, 2023-
Working on sound attribution of floating point errors

HCFC Lab @ BITS Pilani, Goa

Undergraduate Researcher, 2022
Developed a portable Indian Sign Language translator
Used beam search and, Hidden Markov Models, conducted user study


Undergraduate Researcher, 2022
Worked with Prof. SP Suresh and Prof. Anup Basil Mathew @ Chennai Mathematical Institute
Formalized basic DFA/NFA constructions in Coq/Rocq
Some initial work adapted into undergraduate Discrete Structures course

Teaching Positions

University of Utah

Fall 2023: CS 3810 “Computer Organization”

Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani

Spring 2023: Operating Systems, Compiler Construction, Computer Networks
Fall 2022: Operating Systems Computer Architecture
Spring 2022: VLSI Design, Computer Programming
Fall 2022: Discrete Structures in Computer Science

Skills & Projects

General Programming: Python, Racket, Java, JavaScript, SQL
Systems Programming: C/C++, Bash, Rust
Hardware: Verilog, MASM

Trinity Game Engine: A game engine and byte code VM for scripting [source]
Logic in Coq: Classical propositional logic and natural deduction in Coq/Rocq [source]
CheemScheme: Scheme dialect in C++ with tail recursion and error reporting [source]